Сушильная машина непрерывного действия с пластинчатой ​​сушкой серии PLG

Описание: Пластинчатая сушилка непрерывного действия is a kind of high efficiency conducting and continuous drying equipment. Его уникальная структура и принцип работы обеспечивают преимущества высокой тепловой эффективности. , низкое энергопотребление…


Factory-direct Continual Plate Dryer DESCRIPTION

PLG Series Continuous Disc Plate Dryer is a high efficiency conducting and continuous drying equipment. Его уникальная структура и принцип работы определяют его преимущества в виде высокой тепловой эффективности., низкое энергопотребление, small occupied area, простая конфигурация, easy operation and control as well as good operating environment and etc. It can be widely used in drying process in the fields of chemical, фармацевтика, agricultural, продукты питания, кормить, и другие отрасли.
There are three major types: normal pressure type, closed type, and vacuum type; and four major models: 1200, 1500, 2200 и 3000; and three kind of material grades, А (углеродистая сталь), Б (use stainless steel for material contacted area), и С (use stainless steel for material contacted area, steam pipes, main shaft and supports, and linings for cylinder body and top cover).The drying area of the dryer is 4 to 180㎡. We have produced hundreds of models with auxiliary devices which are available to meet requirements of all customers.

PLG Series Continual Plate Dryer WORKING PRINCIPLE
The wet material is fed continuously to the first drying layer on the top of the dryer. It will be turned and stirred by rakes when the rake arm rotates and drop down to the outer edge of the large drying plate along the exponential helical line. The material will be moved from the small drying plate to its outer edge and drop down to the outer edge of the large drying plate underneath. Both small and large drying plates are arranged alternately so the materials can go through the dryer continuously. The heat medium can be saturated steam, hot water or thermal oil. The heat will be led into hollow drying plates from one end and come out from the other end. The dried materials will drop from the last layer of the drying plate to the bottom of the dryer and then moved by rakes to the discharge outlet. The material moisture will be removed from the exhaust outlet on the top cover. For the vacuum-type plate dryer, the moisture will be sucked out by the vacuum pump on the top cover. The dried materials will be discharged from the bottom layer. The drying capability can be improved if the dryer equipped with supplementary devices such as finned heater, condenser for solvent retrieval, bag dust remover, return and mix mechanism, draft fan, и так далее.

PLG Series Continual Plate Dryer FEATURES
(1) Easy to adjust and control, good applicability.
The drying efficiency can be improved by adjusting the thickness of material layer, rotary speed of main shaft, quantity of harrow arm, shape and size harrow plates.
Each drying layer can input hot medium or cool medium individually for heating or cooling. The temperature control is accurate and easy to adjust.
The residence time of materials can be adjusted accurately.
Single material flowing direction to prevent material return and mixing. The drying process is uniform and the quality stable, no re-mixing is required.
(2) Простота в эксплуатации
Simple operation for turn on and turn off.
After material feeding is stopped, the remaining material inside of the machine can be easily discharged out by the harrows.
You can clean and observe inside from the large-scale viewing window.
(3) Low energy consumption
The material layer is thin and the rotary speed of main shaft is low, so it required low power and electricity consumption.
The material is dried by conducting heat, so it has high heating efficiency.
(4) Good operation environment
Normal pressure type: The speed of air flow inside of the machine is low and the humidity is high in upper end and low in bottom end, so the dust can’t float to the top which keeps no dust in the exhausted air.
Closed type: The machine is equipped with solvent recovery device which can recover organic solvent easily from the wet air. The solvent recovery device has a simple structure and high recovery rate. For the flammable, explosive and poisonous materials, the nitrogen can be used as medium for closed circulation and keeps a safe working condition.
Vacuum type: The plate dryer is operating under vacuum condition and it is particularly suitable for drying heat sensitive materials.
(5) Easy installation of PLG Series Continual Plate Dryer drying machine
The dryer is delivered in a complete piece so it is quite easy to install and fix at site.
The disc plates are being arranged by layers and it will be installed vertically, so it takes a small occupying area from the workshop.
1. Drying Tray
Designing pressure: generally 0.4Mpa, and the max. pressure is 1.6 МПа.
– Макс. working pressure: generally ≤0.4Mpa, and the max. pressure is 1.6 МПа.
Heat source: пар, горячая вода, или термомасло: Use hot water as heat source when the drying platestemperature is 100°C; Use saturated water steam ≤0.4Mpa or steam-gas when the drying platestemperature is 100°C~150°C; Use thermal oil when the drying plates’ temperature is 150°C~320°C;

2. Material Transmission System
Revolution of main shaft: 1~10 rpm, electromagnetism or transducer timing.
Rake arm: 2 к 8 rake arms will be fixed on the main shaft on the every layer.
Rake blade: the rake blades are hinged to the rake arms and float with the surface of the plate. There’re several types of rake blades.
Roller: For the material that is easy to agglomerate, or required to be grinded, the rollers shall be placed at the appropriate place to reinforce the heat transfer and drying process.

3. Three types of dryer body: нормальное давление, sealed, and vacuum
Normal pressure: The dryer body is cylindrical or octagonal and the structure can be integrated or separated. The ducting system for the heat source can be placed inside or outside of the dryer.
Sealed: The dryer body is cylindrical and it can bear the interior pressure of 5KPa. The ducting system for the heat source can be placed inside or outside of the dryer.
Vacuum: The dryer body is cylindrical and the design pressure is 0.1MPa. The ducting system for the heat source is placed inside of the dryer.

4. Air Heater
The air heater is usually used to meet larger evaporation capacity requirements in order to increase drying efficiency.
APPLICATION of PLG Series Continual Plate Dryer
Applicable Materials: Сушка, heat decomposition, combustion, охлаждение, reaction, and sublimation
1. Organic chemicals
2. Mineral chemicals
3. Pharmaceutical and foodstuff
4. Feed and fertilizer

TECHNICAL PARAMETERS of PLG Series Continual Plate Dryer

Элемент \ typeDiamter (мм)High (мм)Area of dry2)Власть (кВт)
Элемент \ typeDiamter (мм)High (мм)Area of dry2)Власть (кВт)


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